Author: Jafara Shinkasi

Jafara Shinkasi is a renowned water conservationist and environmentalist hailing from Malawi, Africa. Born and raised in the rural area of Mchinji, Shinkasi has dedicated his life to the cause of water conservation, driven by the acute water scarcity he witnessed in his childhood. Shinkasi studied Environmental Science at the University of Malawi and later earned a PhD in Water Resources Management from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Upon his return to Malawi, he founded the Malawi Water Conservation Initiative (MWCI), a non-profit organization committed to promoting sustainable water practices and improving water accessibility in rural areas.

Authorities in Zimbabwe are struggling to cope with the overburdened water systems under the increasing pressures from rapidly expanding urban activity. Making things worse is the country’s inability to import water purifying chemicals. Zimbabwe’s water crisis has crippled regular life in major cities as residents battle daily blackouts that last up to 18 hours. There is an acute shortage of medicine, banknotes, and fuel, while the inflation rate has shot up to 520%. Residents are forced to cope with one long queue after another. Whether it’s long queues outside banks to receive their cash due to shortage of Zimbabwean dollars,…

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